Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The most obvious building in Sungai Besar

This is the most obvious building in Sungai Besar.It is a 3 story building.What is so special about this building is there are different use in different story.The ground floor of this building is a hawker center.There are variety of food sell in this place to fulfil the appetite  of people here.The second floor is a kindergarten.Well, i use to be here also when i am five years old.The third floor is a place for people to learn karate.This building was built in the year 2000 by Hai San Fisherman Association of Sungai Besar.It is such a unique and meaningful building for the people living here.    


  1. what is the name of that building?

  2. this building din have any name...but this building is sponsor by a group called Persatuan Nelayan Hai San in our town v all call this building name is persatuan nelayan in mandarin~
